The Complete Guide to Select Portable Dental X-Ray Units

How to Choose the Best Portable Dental X-Ray Unit for Your Needs

In the world of dentistry, dental x-rays are an essential tool in diagnosis. They allow dentists to see potential problems and hidden infections that may be lurking below the surface of the teeth.There are many different types of dental x-ray units available on the market today. It can be difficult to decide which one is best for your needs without a lot of research and knowledge about what you need from your equipment.The following article will give you some tips on how to find the best portable dental x ray machine for your needs.


Best Portable Dental X-Ray Units You Should Know

The best portable dental x-ray units are designed to be easy to use and lightweight, which makes it easier for the operator to take them with them on the go. They also have a high resolution and are very affordable.There are many portable dental x-ray units on the market that can be used in a variety of settings. A dentist or hygienist may want to use one of these units when they need to do an emergency root canal treatment outside of their office, or if they’re doing outreach work at schools. Portable dental x-rays also have many different uses in veterinary medicine.

5 Tips for Choosing a Portable Dental X Ray Unit

Sensitive teeth are a common problem that many people experience. The sensitivity of teeth can be caused by a number of factors including cavities, gum disease, or tooth grinding.The first step in choosing a sensitive teeth x-ray machine is to decide on the sensitivity control technology. There are two types – the digital sensor and the film sensor. Digital sensors are more sensitive than film sensors and allow for better imaging of small cavities.

The Definitive Guide to Choosing and Using a Portable
Dental X Ray Sensor

Dental x-rays are an important part of the dental examination. They can help detect hidden dental problems, such as cavities, bone loss, and gum disease.X-ray sensors are the most common type of sensor used in dental x-rays. There are a number of different types of dental x-ray sensors, each with their own pros and cons. The type you choose will depend on your needs and budget.

Tips on How to choose Effective Extraoral Suction System

A Dentist is always the most prone professional person for aerosols transmitted infections including viruses like Ebola, SARS, COVID, influenza, etc. In spite of taking maximum protection like a face mask, head cap, gloves, and apron, he is still prone to aerosol transmitted viral infections.

Aerosols are generated during dental procedures with a high-speed handpiece and an ultrasonic scaler. It will stay for a long time within the range of 1-2 meters around the dental chair. These aerosols get attached to various body parts of the dentist and his assistant.

Yusendent COXO Dental Extra Oral Vaccum Aerosol Suction Unit + UV Disinfection SC-V102
COXO Dental Extra Oral Vaccum Aerosol Suction Machine

Need of an ExtraOral Suction:
Like intraoral suction is used for operating site visibility, an extraoral suction is used to absorb and suck all the droplets and aerosols formed during operation procedure. Extraoral Suction helps in controlling aerosols based viruses and microbes transmission. It sucks all droplets and mist produced while using air rotors and scaler tips.

With an extensive medical-grade filtration system like HEPA H13, Plasma ion along with a UV light disinfectant, viral, and germs produced are eliminated.

GREELOY External Dental Clinic Oral Aerosol Suction Unit UV-C Irradiation+ Plasma Sterilization GS-E1000
GREELOY External Dental Clinic Oral Aerosol Suction Unit UV-C Irradiation+ Plasma Sterilization GS-E1000

Extraoral Dental Suction can be a great addition to your safety protocol.

How to choose Effective Extra oral Suction:
Before finalizing an external oral suction one must understand its mechanism. An extraoral suction has two main parts.

External Suction unit: Suction Unit arm length must be long enough to provide enough space to work together with assistant. 4 hand dentistry needs at least 1.5 meters or above suction arm length. Heavy power above 1000 watt gives more power to suck aerosols.

Steriliser unit (Like Air Purifier): To disinfect the aerosols sucked, a good extra oral suction need 4 main filter mechanism. Primary filter+ UV light+ Plasm Ions + HEPA filter.
The primary filter cleans all dust and debris particles mixed with air and water in aerosols. filtered air is sterilized by UV light and all microbes & viruses are killed by UV light. Plasma ions 9 (+ve ions and –ve ions) plays the most important role by discharging and killing these microbes & viruses. It sticks to the surface and increases its size so, that it can be finally filtered by HEPA filter which has a capacity of 0.3 microns. Finally, filtered air comes out which is purely clean. Now, you will get sterilized air for your operative area.

Combine use of Intra and extraoral aerosol suction unit provide maximum results and you can decrease up to 99.9% microbes from your working area during any procedure which creates aerosols.

Determination of the number of droplets and dust
Recently a high quality tested extra oral suction is introduced in India. DS1000 fulfills all the requirements of good extra oral suction. The long working arm length of 1.8 m helps in aerosols filtration and disinfection of system which include primary filter, UV light chamber, Plasma ions generator, and HEPA H13 grade filter which is considered best in the industry can be used safely in the clinic. The use of both Intra and Extra oral suction is highly recommended. So, start using it in your practice and keep yourself and your staff free from all aerosols transmitted infections and diseases.

Risks of infecting in oral treatment due to aerosol transmission during COVID-19?