Why Dentists Choose Oil free Dental Air Compressor?

Oil-lubricated air compressors tend to be quieter and more durable than other models, making them look like the first choice for dental clinics, but this may not be the case.

The main reason many dentists choose oil-free compressors is that they have a lower risk of contaminating the compressed air with lubricant. These devices are also tend to be lighter, allowing them to be placed in a wide range of areas while still producing as much air flow and pressure as many oil lubricated models.


Such as the Greeloy GA-61 One By One Dental Oilless Air Compressor, it features:

Super silent – Low working noise, create a quiet working environment.
Low vibration – With special rubber feet, reduce vibration during operation.
Pure air flow – Oil free design, no lubrication oil needed during operation.
Core technology – Diamond hardness cylinder, ensure durable working performance.
Fashion and durable design – Compact structure, light weight. Under normal situation, can be used for more than 20000hours.
Use safety With multiple self protection system, if here will be abnormal with pressure, current or voltage the motor would cut off automatically to ensure equipment and personal safety
Easy operation – Quite simple operation, connect to power supply, then no need any more maintenance, just drainage regularly.
Low energy consumption – Full automatic design, automatic stop and restart control, low consumption.
High precision filtration – With double filters, ensure high precision of outlet air flow.
Tank inside has done anti-rust treatment Ensure pure outlet air flow for medical equipment

Eliminating the risk of contaminating the air is the biggest victory and the most rewarding because it protects the health and safety of patients, staff and those in your office waiting areas. Although you need a little maintenance, the health and safety issues clearly outweigh any benefit you’d see from using the heavier, lubricated air compressor models.


How does the dentist save your loose teeth?

Are you in troubles of having loose tooth? Have you kept visiting your dentist regularly? What should you do to save your loose tooth? Of course the best way is to visit consult your dentist once you feel your tooth is loose. He can check your oral with professional tools, such as the intraoral camera with screen, and save your loose tooth with the best method in their mind.


Dental professionals can handle with loose teeth through a variety of ways, including:

Tooth splinting – Splint fixation by attaching the crown to the affected tooth and the teeth around it and making a “splint” that attaches them together. This method provides a firm hold and prevents further movement of the affected teeth.

Periodontal treatment – If your teeth are loose due to gingivitis or more severe periodontal disease, your gums and teeth may need treatment, such as scales and root planers, to remove plaque and tartar and restore healthy gums.

Tooth extraction and dental replacement – In general, you don’t need to do this unless it is a very serious condition or if the patient avoids going to the dentist for a long time. The affected teeth can be pulled and replaced with dental implants through professional dental surgical implant machine. Although expensive, this procedure will provide a permanent solution with the look, feel and function just like the original teeth.

Therefore, once the teeth are loose, please consult your dentist and he will recommend the appropriate treatment according to your specific needs.

How to choose the best dentistry equipment?

Starting your own dental clinic is not easy. It is also difficult to purchase portable dental unit for your practice. To ensure you get the most out of your money, consider the following tips before entering the online sales of dental equipment.


Do research

Please do as much research as you can before making any final decisions and purchasing dental equipment. Doing so can help you understand everything the market has to offer and what your choices are.

Find a reputable manufacturer

Choose a manufacturer that has a good reputation and has been in business for many years. These companies have the knowledge and experience to help recommend the best products. This is also good for you because they know exactly what product does and how it benefits different the dental practices.

Choose quality first

With so many different models and manufacturers to choose from, you want to make sure that you invest in the quality that best suits your practice. While some products may play the same role, some products perform and last better than others, just because of how they are made.

Refer to opinions and suggestions of other buyers

One of the best ways to ensure that you buy high quality materials is to ask other professionals. This can come from comments and suggestions from them.

People with years of experience will be able to tell you which products are best and which are not. In many cases, they have used the product and know best whether it is a good investment and the pros and cons of the product.

For more information about dental online store china, visit our site dentalsalemall.com.

How to Confirm the Quality of a Dental Air Compressor

Air compressors are an important part of any dental clinic because they power many of the most important tools. Choosing the right compressor can help you build growth-adapted practices, and poor selection can hurt your patients. Although the use of a specific type of dental air compressor does not guarantee the absence of pathogens, it does help to select a compressor that provides the best air quality.


Air Quality Is King of a Dental Air Compressor

The element to consider when buying a dental air compressor must be the quality of the air that is produced. The reason is that high quality air is safer for your patients and the other devices in your practice.

The cleaner the air created and used by the compressor, the safer the patient will be. In dental clinics, there is a risk of exposure to bacteria, microorganisms and pathogens. When equipment produces poor quality air or improperly creates a wet environment in machine parts, you may create breeding grounds for these hazards.

The NHS Estates in the UK, an Executive Agency of the Department of Health, has two specific requirements for dental air compressors to reduce the risk of contamination and increase the efficiency of dental instruments:

The dryer system should be capable of producing air with an atmospheric dew-point no less than –20ºC.

The filter system should provide dust filtration down to 1 µm with a DOP (aerosol) efficiency of not less than 99.97% and bacteria filtration down to 0.01 µm with a DOP (aerosol) efficiency of not less than 99.9999%.

A good air compressor not only helps protect your patients’ safety, it also helps protect your practice, by reducing the chance of causing an illness and facing potential litigation that can close your doors.

If you still not sure how to choose the dental air compressor, you can just go to dentalsalemall.com to choose the one you like. Their dental air compressors can help you get the best possible compressed air for your practice. Also their Oil-free compressors require little maintenance and are less expensive than lubricated compressors.