Autoclave is Vital to the sterilisation of instruments

As a dentist, dental hygienist, or support staff at a dental clinic, you know that having a reliable, effective autoclave is essential to the smooth operation of the clinic. Also called a steam sterilizer, the autoclave dental is the machine that harnesses the power of high temperature and high-pressure steam in order to sterilize germs on dental equipment, such as forceps, intended for reuse, thus ensuring its safety for the next patient.

Sun® SUN-II-D 18L Dental Medical Autoclave Sterilizer Vacuum Steam with Printer
Sun dental autoclave

Most of the time, the dentist will inquire us to recommend them an autoclave. Today, let’s talk about this topic and hope this article can help you to get the most from your considerable investment.Step 1: Determine which type of autoclave your practice needs. Class B, class S or Class N.There are three different types of the autoclave in the recent market, class B, class S and Class N.

  1. Measure your longest instrument.
    This may seem like a bit of an odd first step, but it will give you an indication of how large you need your autoclave to be. There’s no point in buying a fancy autoclave with all the latest bells and whistles if you can’t fit your instruments in it!
  2. Consider how many instruments in your surgery need sterilisation at any one time.
    There is a range of different capacities available when it comes to autoclaves. You may fit everything into a 18L autoclave, or find yourself needing a 22L if your practice often has busy days with a high turnover of patients.
  3. Assess how much time can you afford to give to sterilisation.
    Time is money. If you only have a few of each instrument that needs sterilising between patients, you’re going to need an Autoclave with a quick cycle. The Melag Premium Class can have your equipment sterilised in just ten minutes! If you’re able to save your instruments for a full cycle at the end of the day, then you can probably get away with an Autoclave that offers longer 30-minute cycles.
  4. Take into account who will be operating the machine.
    Autoclaves come in variations of user friendliness. Some have a sophisticated touch screen while others have a handful of buttons that do the basics. Autoclaves such as the NSK iClavePlus can be hooked up to a printer to keep a record of each sterilisation cycle. The W&H Lisa Very Auto cancels out paper handling altogether and sends the information directly to your computer network. Through the W&H app, it is also possible to check what stage of the cycle the autoclave is at on your mobile device.
  5. Have a backup plan if your autoclave breaks
    It’s a no brainer that you can’t use your instruments if they are unable to be sterilised after each patient. So if your autoclave breaks down, your practice may need to shut until it can be fixed. Always have a backup plan in place if these setbacks occur. Call Dental Depot to hire an autoclave while yours is being repaired. They’re experts in quick delivery, installation, and even staff training! Dental Depot ensures that your practice stays in operation despite equipment failures.

As you can see from our flow chart, there are many questions and angles to consider. Replacing a broken autoclave, buying a new autoclave, or adding another autoclave requires research, forethought, and planning. We hope that this post helps you begin the autoclave purchase process, and we wish you continued successful sterilization for a smoothly operating dental clinic.

Four questions you should consider whenchoosing dental autoclave

Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Class B Autoclave

What type of dental implant connection should we choose?

During recent years implants have undergone a great evolution. Microscopic surfaces have been improved to increase bonding to the bone, the grade of titanium has been improved, which translates into greater mechanical load resistance, and bioengineering has also been applied in their design.

When the dentist places the implant in the mouth, the patient is subjected to a large presence of bacteria, therefore the type of connection used between the implant and the prosthesis is very important.

What types of connections are there?
It is very important to know that implants have two types of connections: internal and external.

External connection implants:

In this type of connection, the implant is connected to the abutment externally through the attachment screw. That is, the implant is not inserted into the bone, but stays outside.

Internal connection implants(dental surgical implant machine): In this case, the implant is designed with a shape that allows the abutment that joins the implant and the prosthesis, to be inserted a few millimeters inside the implant itself.

What type of connection should we choose?
Although external connection implants have been on the market for a longer period of time, they present certain problems, such as the case that the screw can become loose and could become deformed or break. This type of connection is appropriate in cases of divergence between implants, as it facilitates their rehabilitation and provides great resistance. To make up for these problems, internal connection implants appeared.

The internal connection implants provide great stability and sealing to the implant and prosthetic union. This type of solution minimises external connection problems: loosening and bacterial filtration. Additionally, it transmits the forces directly from the pillar to the internal hexagon and its stabilising area.

Types of dental implant connectors:

Internal hexagon:

It has the shape of a hexagon with an opening in the head of the dental implant in which the restoration is screwed. This type of design provides a more natural appearance and is considered more stable since it reduces stress.

External hexagon
These connectors have been discontinued since they didn’t provide good stability.

Internal octagon It has an octagonal shape, so it is considered the safest. This type of implant manages to eliminate the adverse effects of the force distribution on the prosthesic and the implant screw. They completely reduce fatigue in the long term and allow a stronger adjustment procedure.

In conclusion
, At we advise that you use the longest and widest implant that the bone will sustain without damaging the roots, nerves and the underlying bones in healthy and natural teeth. Also another important factor to bear in mind is whether it is made from titanium given that this type of material integrates very well with the bone and the neck of the impant should have an anti-rotational system.

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Why Autoclaves Are Important For Labs?

Steam sterilisation is an important process in every laboratory. This process is usually performed in a steam steriliser or an autoclave.

18L Dental Stainless Steel High Pressure Steam Autoclave Sterilizer
18L Dental Stainless Steel High Pressure Steam Autoclave Sterilizer

The autoclave plays an important part in maintaining a clean and sterile lab.

It uses steam heat to destroy any microbial life that may be present on contaminated loads.

To destroy a microbe cell through heat, the temperature of the autoclave should be raised to a point where the proteins in the cell wall break down.

Steam is a great way to kill germs. That’s why autoclaves are so important in laboratory settings.

If you are searching for the best autoclave supplier in China, you can visit our site:

Tips on selecting an dental autoclave right for you?

The preferred method for sterilisation of medical instruments is by using saturated steam, under pressure at the highest temperature compatible with the instrument. That is why a vacuum dental autoclave for sale (type B) is recommended for sterilising wrapped solids instruments, porous loads and hollow instruments.


What are the criteria to choose an autoclave?

Chamber Size
The chamber size can vary from 8 to 24 liters. The bigger the chamber the greater the capacity for instruments, although a smaller chamber will usually mean faster overall cycle times. Warning: a 24-liter unit will consume more energy. so it is important to choose the autoclave according to your needs. You will then optimize your energy consumption and the initial investment will be reduced. Two smaller autoclaves are sometimes preferable to a single system. This also allows a backup device if a failure occurs.

Cycle Duration
The quicker the cycle, the quicker the turnaround of instruments. Ensure the autoclave has the appropriate choice of cycles to meet your sterilising requirements.

Check the period of warranty offered with the autoclave. Those with two year warranties offer increased peace-of-mind and will save you money. If the manufacturer does not have a local technical service, you will need to hire a qualified technician to revise your device.

The price of the autoclave goes along with its reliability and its technical specifications. European and American brands offer higher quality at relatively high costs, while Chinese and Korean brands are more competitive with variable quality. After sales service can be complicated if you choose a cheaper device.

Type B autoclaves dental may have accessories that are very useful in some cases. For example, some have an incorporated printer to ensure the traceability of sterilized objects.