What are the benefits of better dental imaging?

Access to high quality images and a streamlined digital workflow improve the speed and accuracy of case diagnosis, producing more predictable outcomes for dentists and their patients.

What are the benefits of better dental imaging?


Purchasing compatible components from one supplier ensures no integration issues and simplifies training and maintenance, ensuring there is no buck-passing between different suppliers.

Where to start

If you are starting out you will likely require an portable dental x ray unit and either phosphor plate scanner or digital sensor for fast access to X-ray images. If you require more detail including panoramic, CBCT or 3D images you will want an extraoral imaging unit.

Image quality

The top of the list for anyone contemplating purchasing digital imaging products is image quality using the latest technology such as CMOS digital sensors and Automatically Controlled Exposure (ACE), which ensures sharp images with up to 50% lower radiation emissions.

X-ray unit & Sensor

Automatic Controlled Exposure (ACE), has built in filters to reduce artefacts from metals. User preferences such as contrast settings are automatically saved so all images are processed uniformly to reveal the required detail in either hard or soft tissue. The combination of the X-Mind X-ray and Sopix2 digital sensor yields sharp image quality and a ‘real time’ view which is important in endodontic treatment and implant placement.

Phosphor plate unit

A less expensive alternative is the PSPIX phosphor plate unit, which has the added advantage of different size phosphor plates suitable for smaller and younger patients. The PSPIX is the fastest and most compact phosphor plate scanner available, processing images in just 12 seconds and being fully networkable throughout the practice.

Panoramic and 3D units

The ‘Rolls Royce’ of digital diagnostic units is the latest extraoral imaging device, X-Mind Trium from Acteon – available from A-dec dealers around Australia. X-Mind Trium offers the highest possible image quality, four fields of view enabling you to select the scanning area for examination and to minimise radiation exposure to patients.

Imaging software

The all important imaging software will harness the power of all your digital imaging equipment, making images available to view, store and manipulate.

Check here more “dental online shop china”.

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What are the signs that your teeth maybe have some problems?

If one of your teeth hurts when you chew, or if you have a constant toothache, you may have a cavity.
A tooth has three layers: enamel, dentin, and pulp (where the roots and nerves are located). As the protective layer of enamel decays, the nerves in your tooth have one less layer protecting them. When a cavity forms, chewing can be incredibly painful. If the decay reaches the pulp, your tooth can become infected and result in a consistent, throbbing pain.

What are the signs that your teeth maybe have some problems?

As a tooth decays, bacteria continue to multiply if the decay isn’t treated. Bacterial growth can lead to bad breath. If you’ve developed bad breath while continuing a good dental routine, you may have a cavity.

One of the most accurate ways to determine whether you have a cavity is to examine your teeth. If you see any dark spots, pits, or holes in your teeth, you probably have a cavity.
Because you use your back teeth for the majority of your chewing, you’re most likely to develop a cavity there.

When you find these signs, the most important thing that you need to do is to make an appointment with a dentist to examine your teeth. The dental office you choose should have a portable dental X-ray machine to ensure that your condition is detected, such as cavities.

Check here more “china dental equipment”.

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Will using dental loupes improve your work efficiency?

In a study published in the journal of dental education in 1998, Fifty-two third-year students were randomly assigned to experimental (magnification) or control (no magnification) groups. Members of the experimental group used magnification in their daily work in the pediatric dentistry clinic. No significant differences between the groups’ preparations or evaluations of standard preparations were found (Donaldson, Knight, and Guenzel, 1998).

Will using dental loupes improve your work efficiency?

In a separate, more recent study; the performance of first-year dental students was assessed during an Advanced Simulation Course using virtual reality-based technology training. The test group consisted of 116 dental students using magnification loupes, while students not using them served as the control. The study found that students using dental loupes completed more preparations, worked faster per procedure, therefore displaying greater overall performance. The survey revealed a high degree of student acceptance of using magnification (Maggio, Villegas, and Blatz, 2011).

There is no definitive answer to this question, there are a large number of dentists which advocate the use of loupes for dental students who argue that, although they are quite a large investment (especially for a students), Loupes help to create and maintain good habits in terms of posture and their increased attention to detail. On the other hand some dentists have said that they can’t work with loupes because it makes them dizzy when alternating between looking at the patients mouth and looking at the instrument tray for example.

The best thing to do is to try them on! A number of Loupes companies/businesses will visit dental schools during conferences, trade fairs and provide students with the opportunity to try on their range of models. Some manufacturers also allow a limited trial period (around 45 days) where you can work with them on clinic and if you are not happy with your by the end of your trial, you return them to the manufacturer and you don’t pay.

If you are looking for the good dental loupes, you can click here “china dental equipment” to see if there is one for you.

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Why do you need a dentist to clean your tartar?

One of the key parts to an effective oral disease prevention plan is practicing daily oral hygiene to remove dental plaque. Both brushing and flossing are necessary for cleaning your teeth of this thin biofilm of bacteria and food particles most responsible for tooth decay and periodontal (gum) disease.

Why do you need a dentist to clean your tartar?

Once formed, calculus can adhere to teeth so tenaciously, it’s impossible to remove it with brushing and flossing. But dentists and hygienists can remove calculus safely with special tools called dental ultrasonic scaler.

And it should be removed or it will continue to foster bacterial growth. This in turn increases the chances for infections that attack the teeth, gums or underlying bone. Keeping it under control will therefore diminish your risk for developing dental disease.

Although there are other factors like heredity that can affect your disease risk, keeping your mouth clean is the number one thing you can do to protect your teeth and gums. A daily hygiene practice and regular dental visits will help ensure plaque and its calcified form calculus won’t be a problem.

Check here more “dental online store china”.

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